Walk & Talk Therapy

Image of two squiggly parallel lines

Walk & talk therapy incorporates the health benefits of movement and the therapeutic effects of nature into psychotherapy sessions that take place outside a traditional office setting, typically in parks or on walking trails. Most of us know that time spent outdoors and in nature can improve our physical and mental health, and research shows it may enhance psychotherapy sessions as well.

Benefits of walk & talk therapy:

Improvements in mood, anxiety, stress and sleep

Generating creativity and deeper thought processes or emotions

Nervous system regulation and relaxation

Decreasing reactive “fight-or-flight” responses and reducing cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone

Quieting ruminative thoughts, shifting entrenched beliefs, and fostering new perspectives

Overcoming a sense of stagnancy and helping you feel “unstuck”

Promoting a sense of groundedness, aliveness and increased energy

Enhancing neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to adapt to change

Increasing harmony and alignment between your body and nature

Reorienting you to your body and increasing attunement and comfort with bodily sensations

What to expect during walk & talk therapy:

Location: Together we will determine a suitable location depending on your preferences or needs. Common settings in the Bay Area include the Embarcadero, Salesforce Park, Marina Green, Fort Mason, the Presidio, the Panhandle and Golden Gate Park. I can be flexible with regard to our meeting place as long as we plan far enough in advance. Most of my clients opt to meet at my office and walk from there or conduct a stationary session somewhere outside in close proximity to the office, for example sitting on a bench or in a park. Alternatively, I can meet you at a location of your choice within a 15-mile radius of my office - typically this extends to Tiburon/San Rafael in the North Bay, Berkeley/Oakland/Alameda in the East Bay, or Daly City further south of the city. Please note that additional time or expenses incurred for travel will be factored into my session rate. 

Attire: Preferred attire may vary depending on the location and weather conditions. Workout clothes, sneakers, jackets, hats, or sunglasses may not be what you would wear during a typical therapy session (or what you would expect to see your therapist wearing!) but these are all appropriate attire for walk & talk sessions. It is important that you are comfortable!

Session Structure: Sessions will be conducted in a similar manner as in-office sessions, with a focus on addressing therapeutic goals and topics. Although walk & talk therapy can feel more like a social interaction than a therapeutic interaction, you can expect professional boundaries to be upheld and for the focus of the experience to be on therapy, not exercise.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Every effort will be made to maintain a reasonable distance from others in order to ensure privacy and confidentiality. However, complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in public settings, and it is also possible that we will come into contact with someone that you or I know. In these cases, I will not disclose that you are a client or any other confidential information, and I will follow your lead in guiding any interactions with someone you know.

Other Risk Considerations: There are potential risks associated with walk & talk therapy, including accidental injuries, physical dangers, exposure to COVID-19 or other communicable diseases, and adverse weather conditions that may require us to reschedule the session or change locations. Additionally, if you have a medical condition or other limitation that could affect your ability to participate in walk & talk therapy, it is important that you disclose this to me and obtain approval from your medical doctor beforehand. 

I would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have with regard to the logistics, attire, privacy/confidentiality, and health or physical limitations around walk & talk therapy. Together we can discuss the potential benefits and risks to you in order to determine what makes the most sense for your specific needs and goals.